You(th) can THRIVE! Enhancing adaptability, resilience and learnability skills in young employees.
Thrive project focuses on the development and enhancement of resilience, adaptability and learnability skills of young employees in the workplace, especially those with fewer opportunities and other obstacles such as mental or physical health difficulties, mobility or financial difficulties.
Thrive project brings together two organisations from two European countries who are experts in the field of youth work, aiming to: assess the needs of young employees in terms of being happy, healthy and thriving in their working environment assess the employers’ perspectives on what makes young employees happy and thriving at work discuss ways of developing and sustaining work-life balance to assess the impact of poor resilience, adaptability and learnability skills on job satisfaction,
quality of work to enhance adaptability and resilience among young employees
To do so, partners have created two online “How-To” kits based on the outputs of focus group discussions and literature review.
One kit was designed for employers, while the other one targets young employees. The primary objective these kits is to enhance adaptability and resilience among both employers and young employees.